Tuesday 25 November 2008


* Name: Tara.
* Birthday: In the middle of the monsoon sometime. But I believe it was a rain-soaked, sunny morning.
* Birthplace: A place with parakeets and lemongrass!
* Current location: The place with parakeets and lemongrass. But constantly turning towards the Man at home. Soon, soon, soon. Can't wait.
* Eye color: Brown
* Hair color: Darker
* Height: 5'5"
* Righty or lefty: Righthanded centrist
* Zodiac sign: Roar :)

* Your heritage: Am still developing it. It's a big world out there, I'm trying to grasp all of civilization in my arms and call it mine.
* The shoes you wore today: Barefoot at desk. White Dorothy Perkins canvas tennis shoes to get my hair done.
* Your weakness: I have many.
* Your fears: Don't get me started. Being homeless: which, right now, would mean I need both homes, God. I'm sorry if that's greedy - but I'm stretched across the world, don't snap me please.
* Your perfect pizza: Is thin-crusted and eaten in a Roman piazza, with a glass of red wine. Oh, and a fresh tomato-basil salad.
* Goals you’d like to achieve: Being fearless.

* Your most overused phrase on AIM: It used to be LOL. Now, it depends what language I'm speaking, which depends on the person I'm speaking to, which depends on my mood... Blahdiblah. I have none, I guess.
* Your first waking thoughts: M.
* Your best physical feature: Dunno anymore. I used to the most beautiful princess in the world. Now, I'm not so sure.
* Your most missed memory: I can't have it if I've missed it, can I?

* Pepsi or Coke: Diet Coke
* McDonald’s or Burger King: Neither. But McDonalds fries once, were all I could manage to eat out there without feeling sick. So I guess McDonalds.
* Single or group dates: Skipping the date and making out instead.
* Adidas or Nike: Not into sportswear.
* Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea sitting at Dorabjees with college friends.
* Chocolate or vanilla: c.h.o.c.o.l.a.t.e.
* Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino. But here's the odd thing. I detest the froth. *Gag gag, chokesplutteryuck!

* Smoke: QUIT!! I never will know how I did that.
* Cuss: Unfortunately, I don't know yet.
* Sing: Hell yes.
* Take a shower everyday: Does fieldwork count? If it does, obviously cannot. If it's civilized savagery we're referring to, then yes. I think.
* Do you think you’ve been in love: Em, yes.
* Want to go to college: Am.
* Liked high school: Hated it.
* Want to get married: Debating, still.
* Believe in yourself: Debating, still.
* Get motion sickness: Not unless I really don't wanna go and someone is making me. (An unpleasant family vacation in Thailand springs to mind. But I was ten. Hopefully, have greater self-control now. Not to mention poise :) )
* Think you’re attractive: Hm. Some days.
* Think you’re a health freak: Yes.
* Get along with your parent(s): Yes. But not today. Today, we had a fight and I am sulky.
* Like thunderstorms: Oh God. Yes.
* Play an instrument: Wish to play the piano, to make my grandmother in heaven proud. But I fear I am musically inept. Or maybe I just had a bad teacher. (Can I blame all of my failings on the crapness of my high school experience like forever??)

LAYER SIX: In the past month…
* Drank alcohol: Yep.
* Smoked: Nope.
* Done a drug: Lurve, sweet lurrrrve. *slur.
* Made out: As above.
* Gone on a date: Yep.
* Gone to the mall: As a matter of fact, that was the scene of today's fight (as above). I made a rapid exit. But watch this space for more on malls. Thanks, Meme goddess, for reminding me!!
* Eaten an entire box of Oreos: We only get the little packets at the Spar on the top of the hill at my (other) home. But I have eaten a whole one of those. Somehow, I don't think that is the quantity you're referring to.
* Eaten sushi: Nope. Someone offer to take me on a date to a sushi bar.
* Been on stage: Nope.
* Been dumped: Nope.
* Gone skating: I am going in February.
* Made homemade cookies: No. God I am sounding like a boring hag type.
* Gone skinny dipping: Sadly, it is too cold.
* Dyed your hair: Next week.
* Stolen Anything: Sanity. From meditation class. I have a feeling stolen sanity doesn't last long. Fingers crossed.

* Played a game that required removal of clothing: No
* Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Piss drunk yes.
* Been caught “doing something”: Not yet :) We're good at hiding.
* Been called a tease: Oh yes.
* Gotten beaten up: 7 years of Karate. You can't not have.
* Shoplifted: Not yet. Perhaps this recession will provide the necessary incentive.
* Changed who you were to fit in: I wish I could, sometimes, honestly. It seems I do not have the required switch or lever or whatever.

* Age you hope to be married: 30
* Numbers and names of children: Hmm. Something exotic yet not strange. For instance Ivan and Tara are good. Stalin and Lenin (I know someone who knew someones with these names! For real!) are not.
* Describe your dream wedding: I am still dreaming it up.
* How do you want to die: Dancing. Happy. Loved.
* Where you want to go to college: Where I go right now.
* What do you want to be when you grow up: Happy.
* What country would you most like to visit: Afghanistan. I think I might have been there in a past life. I have a fraction of a hint of a ghost of a memory: Sitting outside a shack / waiting room / village train station under the glow of a naked bulb. Empty landscape and immense sky. Few stars. Darkness. The sound of a dog barking in the distance. Cold, fresh night air. Waiting - the bus, or a companion, or eternity. Who knows.

* Number of drugs taken illegally: Nil zilch nada zero.
* Number of people I could trust with my life: 4
* Number of CDs that I own: I own a boyfriend with 31,000 songs
* Number of piercings: 3.
* Number of tattoos: I wanted one on my foot. My Dad said no. I dont think I will ever outgrow the instinctive 'nomeansno therefore snap to attention! response in time for me to get a tattoo before I start getting wrinkles. Does that matter? Not even a teeny tiny one? Reeeaally? Aww c'mon!! Right. No then.)
* Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper:
* Number of scars on my body: I have yet to count. Old karate wounds, old playground wounds, fieldwork scratches, cat scratches, mozzie bites galore.
* Number of things in my past that I regret: Zero.

As seen at Medusa's blog

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